Fizjoterapia ortopedyczno-sportowa

Assisting Individuals and Businesses to Get the Highest Returns on their Efforts

O mnie

Bolą Cię plecy? Dokuczają stawy? A może doznałeś niedawno jakiegoś fizycznego urazu? Nie czekaj, aż Twój stan się pogorszy!

Udaj się do doświadczonego fizjoterapeuty, który pomoże Ci wrócić do formy. Dzięki wiedzy poznanej na kilkunastu szkoleniach i doświadczeniu zdobytemu w pracy z wieloma pacjentami, zaproponuję metodę rehabilitacji dostosowaną do Twoich potrzeb.

Pracowałem z osobami w każdym wieku i o różnym stopniu sprawności fizycznej. Wśród pacjentów miałem zarówno osoby starsze jak również sportowców wyczynowych.

Wiem, że dla osób po urazach lub cierpiących na poważny ból, dotarcie do gabinetu stanowi prawdziwy problem. Teraz nie musisz się tym martwić. Przyjadę na miejsce bez dodatkowej opłaty.

More than 20 Years of Service to Individuals and Businesses in our Community

Our team provides results oriented services in Accounting, Accounting Software, Tax Planning & Strategy, Bookkeeping, Business Consulting and Accounting Staff Selection. Talk to a Accountant Today

Ready to Get Started?

We are a team of 15 specialists devoted to assisting individuals, small businesses to larger ones operating in a variety of industries to help them make the most of their money and investments. We have been in business for more than 20 years and the experiences gained are but a call away for our clients.


Taxation Services



We Offer a Professional Accounting Service and Record of Experience that is Unparalleled in Our Area

Thanks to the diversity of our skilled professionals, we are able to serve clients in almost any area of need. Our experienced team are able to work with individuals, sole owner/managers, small businesses, for profit corporations or non profit organisation in a wide range of industries.

Our taxation experts have worked at the IRS and our accountants have practical experience in working for companies in a range of industries. Contact us today to see how we can serve you.

Talk to a Accountant Today

Experienced Team

Name Surname

Name Surname


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Name Surname

Name Surname


Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim sadips ipsums dolores sit.Nemo enims sadips ipsums un inventore veritatis et quasi architecto vitae.
Name Surname

Name Surname


Redantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa qu ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architectos beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim sadips ipsums dolores sit.Nemo enims sadips ipsums un inventore veritatis et quasi architecto vitae.
Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque. Name Surname



Visit us


12 First avenue, New York USA

Call us


Phone: +1 234-567-890 Mobile: +1 234-567-890



Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 18:00 Saturday: 11:00 – 17:00

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